Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010


enough for 20 cocktail vol-au-vents or 8 pancakes
  • 200 g (7 oz) raw white chicken meat
  • butter for greasing
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 egg
  • 100 g panada, using chicken stock or milk

how to cook
  • Skin and bone the chicken meat or joint. 
  • Mince the meat finely. 
  • Grease the inside of a heatproof pot or jar with butter and put in the minced meat. 
  • Cover tightly, stand in a pan of simmering water at least 10cm deep, and cook for 1 hour. 
  • Top up with more boiling water if required during cooking.
  • Let the pot or jar cool for 5 minutes. 
  • Remove the chicken meat and pound it with any liquid in the jar, or process it briefly in an electric blender. 
  • Season to taste.
  • Beat the egg until liquid, and mix most of it slowly and thoroughly into the cooled panada
  • Mix with the pounded chicken
  • Enjoy your Chicken Panada

Sabtu, 04 Desember 2010

Panada, Indonesian Appetizers & Snacks Recipes

Panada, Indonesian Appetizers & Snacks Recipes

The other version of Pastel is this. Panada recipe filled with tuna and spices. Yeast usually added in the dough. If you like, you can use the Pastel dough recipes as well.
Panada Recipe Ingredients :

Dough Recipe:

  • 4 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 TB yeast
  • 12 oz warm water
  • 1/2 tsp sugar
  • 2 TB oil
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 tsp salt

Panada Recipe Instructions:
In a small cup, mix the yeast, sugar and 6 oz warm water, leave it for 10 minutes or until bubbly. Mix all the dry ingredients. Pour in the liquid and the yeast mixture, knead the dough until no longer stick to your hands. Shape it into a ball, cover and let rest for 30 minutes. Punch down the dough, on floured surface, roll the dough into a 1/2 inch sheet, cut the dough so it will fit the molding size. Before you place the dough in the molding, deep the mold into a flour so it won't be sticky...

Tuna Filling:
  • 3 garlic
  • 1 inch ginger
  • 2 candle nut
  • 2 cans tuna in water, drained
  • 4 bird's eye chillies, cut thinly
  • 5 shallots, thinly sliced
  • 4 TB oil
  • 1 medium tomato, diced
  • 3 medium potatoe, diced
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 1 bunch basil/ lemon basil chopped
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • salt to taste
Paste the first 3 ingredients and set aside. Heat oil into wok on medium hot, fry the shallots until golden brown. Add the paste and continue frying until all the fragrant comes out without burning the paste. Put aside from the stove if the heat are to much for the paste. Add the tuna and the rest of the ingredients and keep cooking until all the liquid are absorb. Adjust the taste and wait until cool down to be used as the filling.

Place 1 TB of filling in it, brush the top side of the dough by the top part of the molding. Close up the molding, scrape of the extra dough hanging on the outside of the mold. Open the mold, it should be nice, rounded shaped with no filling shown. Place the filled dough on a floured tray so it will be easy to lift them out. Let the dough rest for another 15-20 minutes or until rise little bit before frying. Heat a wok with 3 TB oil in it over medium heat. Fry the filled dough until golden brown. Take the Panada out, place it on top of paper towel to absorb the extra oil. Serve warm. Makes 20-30 medium size When shaping the Panada, deep the mold every 3 times of shaping process into the flour.and the panada recipe is ready to serve...enjoy !